Friday, January 29, 2010
By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter

( – Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship, said Congress is moving forward with immigration reform and that he personally had met with Lou Dobbs to discuss the issue, an apparently surprising development given that Dobbs, a former CNN anchor, is known for his outspoken criticism of past congressional attempts at immigration reform.

Schumer made his remarks at a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday when a reporter asked about President Barack Obama’s comments concerning immigration in his State of the Union speech.

“Yes, we are making good progress," Schumer said. "The progress that – the work that we’re doing in the fall is continuing now. We're meeting with all different kinds of groups, trying to get everybody together to come out for one bill. In fact, yesterday, I met with Lou Dobbs who, as many of you know, is changing his views on immigration."