Our military has purposely been put into the current conflict to make sure they are not here to resist what President Bush is doing!
The borders are not being shut down because the elitist want us to all be slaves
Our country is being sold out and there will be only the rich and the poor. No more middle class
Morality is being destroyed because it is easier for the government to control us if they destroy our morals
GOD, I can go on and on! The bottom line here is STOP asking WHY our government is destroying this country and realize THEY ARE DOING IT!!!!!!!!!! I read things but I take it with a grain of salt. What I DO is read and look around me and see how these things tie into each other. How the dots connect! That is what is so scary! THEY CONNECT PERFECTLY! The majority of Americans have no clue! WE HAVE ALWAYS TRUSTED OUR GOVERNMENT TO DO THE RIGHT THING! I was the same once. No more. They have found the silver spike! Political correctness. They are playing on the very thing that we always thought (as citizens) put us