Well I just found out today that I am going to have a baby ( AN ALL AMERICAN BABY) I am in shock because I have not used protection in 13 years since my son was born when I was 20 . now at 33 I am pregnant I was at a loss of words at first and my hubby was like in shock and disbelief I cried and then I came out and just said as loud as I could Surprise this WHITE WOMAN is having a baby :P and I don't care who looks down on me I am going to use the Social services all I can, My Parents and Grandparents and so on paid into this system and screw the Illegals getting it all. I never expected this but if God wants me to have a baby by gosh I will have this baby . I am not excited as far as having to raise another child in this Hellish world but the only way I can keep myself from falling into depression is to look at it as a blessing from God and one more American for the future !

What do you think about another BABY BOOM of AMERICANS ??? LOL like thats going to happen