Every time someting in regards to this bad legislation keeps popping up so do the same names.
Bush (R-TX) Big Loser
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Chafee (R-RI)
DeWine (R-OH)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Salazar (D-CO)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK) .
The big Loser needs, without a doubt, to be impeached. The little losers need to be thrown out of office as soon as possible.
If they don't come up for reelection in Nov., then at the first possible chance. Make sure they know this. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, this goes beyond party politics.
You only have yourself to blame if this isn't done. I can not kick out your Senator from Alabama if I live in Florida, only you can.
They are hopping, betting that we will forget. Never!!!!!!!!!!!
William J. Price