With all of the Democrats promoting full amnesty for illegal alien invaders, who should we vote for? I find that Duncan Hunter's and Tom Tancredo's beliefs and values most closely resemble mine, but do they have a chance to win against the Democrats? That is my biggest concern.

And Ron Paul, who I thought might be a good candidate, I found out that in 1997 and 2001, he voted YES to grant, extend or continue Section 245-i amnesties for illegal aliens. that he voted NO on extending the voluntary Basic Pilot Workplace Verification Program (H.R. 2359), that he voted NO on the border fence in 2005 (Hunter Amendment to HR 4437 - "Enforcement Only" Bill), and that he voted YES to increase H2-B (HR 763 in 2005) and H-1B visas (HR 3736 in 199. In 1998, he voted to allow US firms to lay off Americans to replace them with foreigners. What a disappointment he is! His definition of amnesty is not the same as mine, I guess.

So who can we vote for who will beat the Democrats? If the Dems gain full power, we will definitely be speaking Spanish like their recent Univision debate. Why do 43 million people in this country not speak English?