I really feel just as sorry for the American people as I do for people in any other country.

It's clear and evident from all of the news today that corrupt and pandering politicians are going to pull our country and our right to have our laws enforced right out from under us if that is what it takes to get themselves into the White House.

Listen to Giuliani, Hillary, and Romney. All of them are so pathetic it is enough to make a grown American man cry. I'm not a man but if I was....I could cry to watch this all happen.

What in the hell is wrong with the Republican Party. Once again, they are no better than the Democrats. They are all the same.

These three candidates would sell their own mothers if that's what it took to become president. They are pathetic, each one of them are the same.
Pathetic, pandering, power-hungry thugs.

God Help America.