As I drive around, the ONE thing that seems to bring many of them to our neighborhood is the home improvement crowd. On my block alone, there is a roof being fixed, a home getting a total 2nd floor, add-ons, new siding, new fences, tears downs -- down the street old homes are being knocked down and homes selling for at least 1.2 million are being thrown up in a matter of months .... all by guess who -- illegals. There must be 50+ of them on our block alone with their work vans parked everywhere.

This is work being contracted not by huge construction firms, but by your fellow Americans. Want that 2nd floor addition? Hire a cheap team of illegal alien workers to get it done.

I feel we're being sold out also by our own American neighbors who are reaping the savings by hiring illegals. This is totally difficult to enforce as well. Most of it just gets paid for under the table with undoubtedly no taxes paid whatsoever.

And then I get to worry that one of these goons will decide to wander on over later at night and break into MY house, or some other he's had his eye on all day.