With the growing threat to our civil liberties and the continued problems with the Executive Branch which is willing to take our rights away with one hand while failing to enforce the existing laws with the other, I can't help but wonder if there is a possibility with a coalition between Conservatives and those on the left that are not too far gone.

Could there be a left right coalition on the following agreements.

1. To restore the American Republic by using all Constitutional measures to assure the Executive Branch returns to compliance with the Constitution and enforces our existing immigration laws.

2. To restore concerns and legal protections for the privacy, rights, and freedoms of the American public.

3. To unify against trade deals such as NAFTA, CAFTA, and the FTAA which harm our sovereignty.

4. To raise real wages in this nation by stopping the corporations and unions from hyper inflating the labor market with illegal labor.

Could a coalition with the left be possible?

Many of them would have to backbone up on removing illegal aliens while many conservatives would have to hold their nose on some social issues.