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  1. #31
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    North Carolina
    I USED to LIKE McCain. I don't anymore. Well, I like him as a person but he is NOT going to do anything about the illegal immigration problem so I couldn't vote for him. I also hear a lot about Guilliani and don't know WHERE he stands on immigration but I'm inclined to agree with whomever said that he would say that New York was a MELTING POT! I think that the only chance Tancredo would have would be if he split from the Republican party and ran as an Independent. And, I SURE agree with you, JJ, that NOW is the time for a third party to really SHINE. EVERYONE with a BRAIN is fed up with the two major parties and it just FEELS RIGHT for now.

    I'm gonna go look up Perot!!

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2005
    North Carolina
    Reportedly, Perot came to loath George Bush because he believed Bush did not do enough to search for POWs in Vietnam. Perot's hatred for President Reagan's vice president grew during Bush's run for president in 1988. Perot, a native Texan, learned that Bush, the son of a senator from Connecticut, was a resident of Texas only because he rented a hotel suite in Houston.

    Four years later, Bush's popularity was temporarily high after Desert Storm and a second Bush term seemed inevitable. Then Perot appeared on Larry King's CNN TV talk show and said he would consider running against Bush if volunteers could get his name on all fifty state ballots. Millions of U.S. citizens responded by signing petitions which put Perot on the ballots of most of the states, but not all fifty. Perot began appearing on more talk shows and produced his own half-hour TV info-mercials to explain his positions on national issues, particularly on deficit reduction. Misperceived by the public as a refreshing Washington "outsider," Perot was actually a consummate political insider who knew many of the U.S. government's dirtiest secrets.

    Strangely, the news media also misperceived Perot, not as an outsider but as a declared presidential candidate. When he exposed a campaign dirty trick involving a fake nude photo of his daughter, journalists ridiculed him for believing anyone would do such a thing. Oddly, the media knew better than the public that Perot was very experienced in recognizing such covert activities. Perot claimed that if the photo had become public, it would have ruined his daughter's impending wedding. The dirty tactics of his would-be opponents and the biased treatment by the media caused him to reconsider whether he would run. Although he had not yet announced his candidacy, the news media accused him of abruptly withdrawing from the race after getting supporters' hopes up. When Perot later announced his candidacy, the media ridiculed him as a vacillator, conveniently forgetting his promise not to run until he was on every state ballot. As a result of the media's irresponsibility, Perot lost the support of confused voters. Nonetheless, on election day the $57 million of his own money spent on the campaign got him nineteen percent of the vote, the highest percentage for a third party candidate since Theodore Roosevelt.

    In 1995, Perot announced the formation of the Independence Party (now called the Reform Party) and said it will attempt to qualify candidates in every state. The next year, Perot won the Reform Party nomination for president, beating former Colorado Governor Richard Lamm by a two to one margin. This time, instead of financing his campaign himself, he accepted contributions and matching government funds. But strange things continued to happen to his campaign. Lamm, seemingly upset by his party's nominating process, refused to endorse Perot. Then he was refused a spot in the presidential debates because debate sponsors decided his low poll numbers disqualified him as a serious candidate. President Clinton wanted him in the debates, Republican opponent Bob Dole did not. In the election, Perot won eight percent of the vote.

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsie
    I also hear a lot about Guilliani and don't know WHERE he stands on immigration but I'm inclined to agree with whomever said that he would say that New York was a MELTING POT!
    An excerpt from a piece from Michelle Malkin.

    When Congress enacted immigration reform laws that forbade local governments from barring employees from cooperating with the INS, Mayor Rudy Giuliani filed suit against the feds in 1997. He was rebuffed by two lower courts, which ruled that the sanctuary order amounted to special treatment for illegal aliens and were nothing more than an unlawful effort to flaunt federal enforcement efforts against illegal aliens. In January 2000, the Supreme Court rejected his appeal, but Giuliani vowed to ignore the law.

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