Bush Quote: Those who enter the country illegally violate the law." --George W. Bush, Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 28, 2005

Alabama Senator Richard Shelby Quote: Today, it is estimated that one-third of illegal immigrants actually came to the United States legally but over-stayed their visas and are now illegal. Those who blatantly violate the law, such as visa over-stayers, should be deported. March 17,2006.

Bush Quote:I have a solemn duty, and so do the members of the United States Congress, to protect our nation, our Constitution, and our laws. November 28,2005

Bush Quote:The American people should not have to choose between a welcoming society and a lawful society. November 28,2005

Bush Quote:We're going to expand interior repatriation. We want to make it clear that when people violate immigration laws, they're going to be sent home, and they need to stay at home. November 28, 2005