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  1. #21
    Senior Member NoIllegalsAllowed's Avatar
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    Sewell, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by zzz100
    Here is another idea then.. if they have kids they have NO RIGHTS TO ANY MEDICAL SERVICES OF ANY KIND WITHOUT LEGAL DOCUMENTATION. Hell, we get questioned if we have insurance or if we can pay or not if we are legal citizens.. whats going on with the illegals I wonder??

    Personaly I could really give a rats ass about their human rights.. if other countries dont like it.. THEY CAN PAY FOR THE LITTERS OF KIDS THEY HAVE.
    They say they can't pay and get charity care.

    If we give them EMERGENCY medical services and they are unable to pay the bill then we should just bill Mexico through trade, foreign aid, and anything else we can bill them through. And they shouldn't be allowed to just walk out, them and anyone with them should be held and then arrested by ICE. ICE should also do a run by their place of residence unannounced and check everyone's immigration status. If you're illegal you're going with them.
    Free Ramos and Compean NOW!

  2. #22
    Senior Member reptile09's Avatar
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    El Cajon, Mexifornia
    [b][i][size=117]"Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.â€

  3. #23
    zzz100's Avatar
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    If we give them EMERGENCY medical services and they are unable to pay the bill then we should just bill Mexico through trade, foreign aid, and anything else we can bill them through. And they shouldn't be allowed to just walk out, them and anyone with them should be held and then arrested by ICE. ICE should also do a run by their place of residence unannounced and check everyone's immigration status. If you're illegal you're going with them.
    I love the idea of charging Mexico with ALL debts created by their illegal immigrants.. Im still trying to figure out why the hell we even give Mexico any aid at all!! Its like complete blackmail.. if we dont give them aid then we get more of the people they are not willing to take care of. Basicly, a threat of refugee invasion if we dont give them money. I say we should cut off the border completely through use of military force, or at least national guard, and cut off all foreign aid and all business going to Mexico until they get off their asses and stop this invasion. I guess since they cant beat us down through military force they will try it through human waves of illegal immigrants including infiltrator baby machines.

  4. #24
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    zzz...You're really fuming haven't typed one word that I disagree with. That post about CNN should go to surely shouldn't be wasted.

    I didn't watch the show...had I watched it I'm sure they'd have a hot email from me today.

    Our MSM is one of our worst enemies in this country...Americans compassion for the downtrodden is legend...and they're exploiting our kindness to the hilt. (Did I mention PC??? Our PC is also a Bad enemy)

    The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. " - Lloyd Jones

  5. #25
    BldHnd's Avatar
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    I have read the 14th Admendment. I have read studies on the rights of Citizenship due to birth. As far as I can tell the children that are Droped on us by Illegals do not deserve or have a right to automatic Citizenship. They should have thier parents status Illegal Immigrants. Whicn if enforced would take away the ANCHOR baby problems. Hell they (Anchor babies would have to be deported with thier parents and that would be a giant boost for the Immigrants country. Also that would take a burden off of Our Country and pocket books. :P
    Your Rights END where MY Rights Begin. You have NO Rights if You Are ILLEGAL.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by zzz100
    Some who immigrated here never learned English, usually the elderly immigrants. There are many instances of that, whether Italian, German or whatever. Today for example elderly Russian immigratns often aren't bothering to learn English.
    I have met hundreds of immigrants from other nationalities and not one to date from countries that were not HISPANIC that did not at least try to have a working knowledge of English. I have met people from Luxembourg, Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, Korea, China, etc..etc..etc.. none that insulted me with "you should learn my language" attitude. Some elderly do have trouble learning a new language but at least other countries are not deliberately, that I have ever seen, insulting about it. I have ONLY had Hispanics tell me "you should learn Spanish".. and usually with a very arrogant attitude to go with it.
    You know why, zzz100? Because every thing is handed to them in a silver platter. When I came to this country in the early '60s & was dropped in High School without speaking one word of English, let me tell you, I learned real quick.
    Even my Dad, in the few years he had left, would go to English classes after work 3 times a week and the man was in his fifties; and my Mom would tell the kids to please not talk to her in Spanish.
    "We have room for but one flag, the American flag" - Theodore Roosevelt

  7. #27
    Senior Member rebellady1964's Avatar
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    What I wanna know is how could Rosa afford that nice car and what looked like a really nice apartment, pay thousands of dollars to smugglers to get her kids here, and NOT WORK? She said she did not work anymore because she was afraid of being caught and sent back. Who is paying for her upkeep? I'm sure it's us. I just don't understand how these illegals get all this help! There are so many families here in NC who have lost their jobs due to outsourcing and illegal immigrants and they can't get a damn dime out of welfare . This is such a screwed up situation and it just makes me furious!
    "My ancestors gave their life for America, the least I can do is fight to preserve the rights they died for"

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Watching this show made me ill. Last week I dropped of my mother at a medical building for an appointment and the OBGYN office next door to her doctor was packed with pregnant women, all Latino. My tax dollars at work ! Everday you see a caravan of pregnant latino women walking down the sidewalk with their strollers and 2 toddlers following behind heading straight for the hospital. The sheer numbers are staggering. And I live in a fairly small town of 75,000. For the first time last year the number of hispanic births outnumbered all others. All paid for by the US TAXPAYER. My father died in 1991 after a long illness. He served his country, was shot defending this country and my mother was financailly devasted paying his medical bills. She got not one dime of help from our government, she paid off every cent even though it took her two years to do so after he died. The only thing we got from our GOVERNMENT was a mass produced form letter from then President George Bush Sr. thanking him for his service to his country. It's not worth the paper it was printed on.

  9. #29
    zzz100's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    zzz...You're really fuming haven't typed one word that I disagree with. That post about CNN should go to surely shouldn't be wasted.

    For the first time last year the number of hispanic births outnumbered all others
    The average number of kids per Hispanic family is 3 or more, whites are 1-2 in comparison. They do not believe in birth control nor have any reason to since we pay for those baby machines with our taxes. As of 2004 baby machines had more litters of kids then the numbers of them immigrating to our nation.. that means a geometric rate of their population growth and a very obvious attempt to outnumber us through sheer weight in numbers.. and its already working! Imagine their numbers within the next 16-18 years when their babies have more litters of kids. NO NEWS AGENCY EVER REPORTS THIS TREND EVER!!!

    Some interesting articles to think on,

    Hispanics are litterly having more sex then Whites in attempt, of which I now fully believe, to OUTNUMBER WHITES by immigrating and turning out babies at around 50% HIGHER RATE THEN WHITES! ... ?tabid=809 <- Even their own supporting sites state what is going on

    "The stakes are enormous because Hispanics now account for one of every eight United States residents, and for about half the recent growth in the country's population. Although Hispanics cast just 6 percent of the votes in the 2004 elections, birth rates promise an imminent explosion in the number of eligible voters."
    "There is a big demographic wave of Hispanic kids who are native born who will be turning 18 in even greater numbers over the next three, four and five election cycles," Roberto Suro, director of the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, said."
    What better way is there to OUTNUMBER OUR VOTES IN A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY! Its a war of who has the most sex which equals most babies! BTW, keep in mind that 60% of Hispanics classify themselves as "whites" on the census reports which, I believe, is an attempt to hide their true numbers, but with illegal voting and sheer numbers they will soon outnumber whites in demographics through immigration (legal and illegal) and birth rates.

    Last edited by Jean; 08-17-2013 at 11:16 PM.

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