I was listening to old Howard Stern today on my drive to work and he had a vile racist evil man on the show spewing about how he hates this and that. Then he brought up the whole problem with illegals and hit the nail almost on the head except the fact that even he failed to mention that the Mexicans we are drowning in are ILLEGAL Mexicans. Not legal imigrants. Of course I'm sure he didn't fail because to him all imigrants of a different color are bad but for my argument, I'm just talking about the illegal ones.

I can see where people would think that I am a racist/biggot and I assure you that when the subject of illegal immigration is brought up I'm ranked right up there with the vile Neo-Nazis and Klansmen just because no one listens to my full argument. They hear what they want to hear and I think it has alot to do with guys like these. People are pre-wired to think that we are all racists because people like this KKK guy try and speak loudly for the rest of us.

What do I tell people when they try to label me a racist? I've tried and tried to get my point of view across by asking them "What part of illegal don't you understand?" among other things. They come back with "A person isn't illegal." or some stupid answer like that.

What do I say? Help!