After I finish my emails to the Senate for the day and make what calls I can, I am going take a little time each day to send this letter to as many House members as I can, as I'm told they are already getting a lot of letters of opposition to the Nafta Super Highway System. Bush plans to move ahead with this truck deal on July 15.

Dear Congressman:

Our government has an obligation to keep the American citizens safe and prosperous in this country. Allowing the President to proceed with this irresponsible Nafta Super Highway System that allows thousands of Mexican trucks to invade our highways, is not only unnecessarily putting our citizens at risks, but it opens the door for the smuggling of more illegal immigrants and drugs, and possibly weapons of mass destruction; not to mention the decrease in jobs for American truck drivers.
This President has no right to meet in secret and enter into a deal such as this without first consulting the American people. Analogous to Mr. Bush’s push for amnesty for all the illegal immigrants in this country against the will of the American people, this is yet another example of our President’s arrogance in his refusal to allow anyone but himself to run this government. This is not how our democratic process was designed to work.
H.CON.RES.40 would stop the Mexican trucks from coming across our borders until this Nafta Super Highway System could be investigated more closely, giving the American people a chance to have a voice in this matter. Allowing this bill to remain stalled in Committee is the same as saying Congress approves of this one-man government, and not of a government that is for the people and by the people.
Bring H.CON.RES.40 back to floor and get it passed and do the right thing for the people of the United States of America.