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  1. #11
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    RoadRunner--could BE blackmail. Hadn't thought about that angle!

    William--I've been fighting tooth and nail on the guest worker issue and will continue to do so until I draw my last breath!

    Thanks to all of you for the welcome back. Legal--we'll be keeping you in our thoughts while you face yet another big blow. And, you can be sure we will keep Private Bush from destroying the country IF that is even possible!

    I do agree that the Miers' nomination really might be the straw that finally breaks that camel's back. I could have called it something other than camel but I will be nice today!!!

  2. #12
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    I believe the Miers nomination is representative of the Maniac's loss with reality. All his people are going to jail. The populace has turned on him. The truth about almost everything is coming out or will soon. He still has his cronies and is sadly still in the White House, but he is losing his base of Real Republicans because of the Idiot Army Invasion of special interest, one topic voters who for some sad and inexplicable reason chose the Republican Party to nest in and suck down the drain and the Real Republicans are totally 100% fed-up. And we all know that when Real Republicans get 100% fed-up, they close their wallets and hang-up on Republican Fund-Raiser telemarketers.

    But, consider this about Harriet Miers. I don't know the woman and have only read a little bit about her. She was President of the Dallas Bar Association and then elected President of the Texas Bar Association. So, as an attorney, she has the respect of a fairly straight-minded, no nonsense group of lawyers....Texas Style.....versus the Clueless in DC Style sucking up to Roberts.

    Miers has not been a law student all her life like Roberts, who likes to study, analyze, and find cutesy little ways to justify really bad arguments and opinions.

    Miers has been in the real world, a tough world, a "my God she's probably seen and heard it all world"....runnin' with the Bushes for decades.

    Now, here is the really good part. It was in the Washington Post (my Mom reads it and calls in the latest scoop from the Clueless in DC)...Condi Rice would get to sleep in the big house during visits to Crawford, whereas Harriet was put out in a trailer in the backyard.

    Now, I ask you, once appointed for life....what loyalty or cronyism will this woman actually have for a man who couldn't provide a Crawford Cabin big enough for 2 professional women visiting at the same time? How much does it cost to add a bed and bath to that dump down there anyway? $30,000? Well, actually just the cost of materials, since I'm sure the Maniac would have had NO PROBLEMO hiring fresh arrivals from south of the border to actually construct it. So, ponder that little emotion called "insult me once--I'll grit my teeth, insult me twice--I'll privately plot your end, insult me thrice, Boy--and, you're out of here" as she ponders cases on the bench of the Highest Court in the Land.

    My advice is to wait until the hearings and see what she is really all about. My gut tells me she is a Texas Woman, who graduated from law school, worked in the law business, was highly regarded by her peer group of Texas Lawyers, had good skills or the Bushes wouldn't have hired her, and is probably sick to death of having to kiss their butts and be insulted personally every single time she attended to their "bidness" at Crawford which due to the number of weeks a year that the Bushes spend at that dump, was alot of insults.

    Harriet Miers may turn out to be one of the most remarkable Supreme Court Justices of our time because of her legal practical view of the law rather than the academic view held by Roberts as an example.

    She is a woman with practical views.

    She is a woman that has been treated disrepectfully by the White House.

    She is a woman that probably has all the "dirt" on the Maniac.

    She is a woman that with a life-time appointment to the United States Supreme Court with no strings attached will view cases from a down-to-earth practical "place" with great insight as to how a legal maneuver can almost end our nation.

    She is a Texas Woman. If you know Texas Women, you'll know that of all the women in the USA, they are the last group of women you'll want to try and tell what they can or can not do.

    Being from Texas she also knows the problems of illegal immigration on this border state and the threat to the USA this lack of enforcement of US Immigration Law poses to our country and its sovereignty.

    She will in all likelihood be confirmed. And I suspect she may be a book under the cover and quite different than one would normally expect as a Bush Croney Appointment.

    The way I see it, no court could have sold us out more than the court that voted 5 to 4 to support New Haven, CT's right of eminent doman to take your property and then give it to their Fat Cat Friends. And that was before Roberts and Miers. So, no court could be worse than the one we had.

    BTW: I wonder where the Prince slept when he visited Crawford? In the Big House or did they stuff him into a trailer in the backyard next to Harriet's?

    I'll be so glad when this Wackidency is OVER!!

    And you know what? I think there is a good chance Harriet Miers will be too.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  3. #13
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    Well, hi, Miss Judy!! I LOVED your "bidness" reference!!! But, this is my problem with Miers. Anyone who could say that she thought Dubya was the "most brilliant man she has ever known" is seriously flawed. Now, MAYBE she was sucking up but that too would bother me. Another thing that bothered me was, when questioned about how she would rule on a case involving Bush, she said she would vote in favor of him.

    My problem with her is that I am sorely afraid that she is just going to be his puppet if confirmed and, goodness knows, we SURE don't need a Bush CLONE on the Supreme Court. AND, just think--she probably would rule just like Bush would on the illegal immigration issue. THAT would be scary. After all, we see from a LOT of our politicians who live in the border states, just living in those states and having to deal with illegals hasn't seemed to bother them enough to do something about it.

    I will give her the benefit of the doubt until I hear how she responds in the hearings IF there are hearings. Since I really LIKE and admire Arlen Specter, I was disturbed by her responses to him. I was also disturbed that he found the questionaire that they gave her to fill out was "incomplete and almost insulting". In fact, Bush would have scored BIG TIME in my mind if he HAD appointed an Arlen Specter.

    This should be a VERY interesting week in Washington, huh??? You hit it on the head about the "base". I heard someone on one of the Sunday talk shows describing the MAJORITY of this country, in respect to party loyalty on EITHER side, as "dislodged". I have described myself as a homeless in respect to which party I could support. That's why I still believe that 2008 COULD be THE YEAR for an Independent to sweep the election. VERY FEW PEOPLE seem thrilled with either party. And, to think that we have to put up with Dubya for THREE MORE YEARS is one of the scariest thoughts I could imagine.

    Good to be back, huh?

    I will listen carefully if she doesn't withdraw and TRY to make my decision without considering who nominated her! She had to stay in a trailer at the ranch???? What a slam. But, as to the PRINCE, HE probably got the master suite!!

  4. #14
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Wow...she was asked directly if she had to rule on Bush, she would favor him? What an odd question unless they were considering, you know, Treason Charges. If that was the purpose, then it would be difficult for her to say, "I'd rule against him". She should have said, "I can not answer that as I might have to rule on it." HA HA.

    Oh yes, I adored Arlen Specter. You know I lived in Pennsylvania for over 17 years. I was never disappointed in this man while there. He's smart, he's cool, he's got this way of speaking on legal matters that leads right to the irrefutable zinger. Now, recently, on illegal immigration, I believe he know....CAFTA....and that of course ended the romance. I will not support anyone who supported CAFTA. Period.

    So Harriet didn't do a thorough job filling out her "form" questionnaire? Personally, I admire this. Shows independence. I wonder if she is left-handed. Left-handed people hate filling out forms. I know, because I am one.

    And on Bush....he is Briliant. He is not at all the Buffoon he acts to be. He's as clever a Presidential Traitor as we could have possibly had. He's developed a scheme to end our nation without the US Congress or a Vote of the People. He maneuvered an innocent looking request to "negotiate trade treaties" for the Executive Branch and through this power he gained in 2002 can transfer all authority over trade matters right out from under US to the WTO and is doing it as we speak. Oh, he's brilliant alright, like a set of those high-powered headlights blinding you at night as they reflect off your rear-view mirror. Bad Brilliant is exactly what he is.

    I just caught a bit on CBS Late Night News that said Feinstein interviewed her and wasn't even sure Harriet wanted the job. Feinstein said well, do you want it or not? Harriet said she was "humbled by the President asking her to be on the court so she felt like she should pursue it."

    Well, now, to me that's another plus, a person who wasn't seeking it.

    Bush did look so stupid on this news clip saying that he thought it would be a plus because she's never been a judge and would give the court that perspective.

    I actually agree with him on that, but Geezzz, the way he rolled his head and eyes as he made the statement made him "look" like the Buffoon he clearly is not.

    Could be interesting. Sandra Day O'Connor was never a Judge either as I recall. She was a Congresswoman and before that was either a Public Defender or Prosecutor, I forget now which one.

    Who are Bush's other picks? Anyone any better than this Dark Horse, Harriet?
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  5. #15
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    BTW--about the "base". Last weekend the Republicans were fund-raising and called me of course. They ran through their script to launch an attack against the battlefield created by the Democrats supporting Hillary for President and went on blah blah blah and said something like and "that would make things worse than they already are, don't you agree?" I coldly retorted "No I don't, and I'm a lifetime Republican" and slammed down the phone. I think that was on Saturday.

    On Tuesday, 2 business days later, the President and Chertoff and a bunch of other guys were in the back yard behind the White House at a Press Conference with the President stating almost desperately "We've got a serious problem with illegal immigration and something's got to be done and here is what we're gonna do. If you are an illegal immigrant, we are going to find you and send you home."

    The talk-heads then came on and said it was the number one issue amongst Republicans and I thought to myself...aha....I wasn't the only one slamming the phone down after they called for money this weekend.

    It's all about the Money.

    Don't Spend, Save!!

    It's the only "language" they understand and the sound of the wallet slamming shut when you slam down that receiver in their the only sound they recognize.

    Real Republicans....hear ye hear ye....close those wallets and slam those receivers down....THEN, our wishes will become their commands.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  6. #16
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    Bush is one thing if nothing else. He is CLEVER as a FOX. BUT, his brilliance lies in the head of Karl Rove. As does every decision he makes with the exception of the ones made by Cheney/Libby. I just don't SEE any sign of brilliance when the man can't even give an intelligent answer to a question. AND, what did you think of that interview scenario with the troops in Iraq??? He couldn't even answer the questions that they had been REHEARSED on! I guess I could give him credit for SOME intellect in the fact that he has chosen people who actually ARE brilliant to work behind the scenes and run the country. INTO THE GROUND.

    I must have been watching the very same program you were a few minutes ago! I saw what Feinstein said and thought that was such a strange response to her question of Miers. I'm tellin' you, Judy--she HERO WORSHIPS DUBYA. Her eyes glaze over when she LOOKS at him! We need to really watch out for anyone who reacts that way to HIM!

    You're right about Specter. I have to recant on part of my opinion. I had forgotten about his CAFTA vote AND it didn't even DAWN on me until I responded to another thread about the recent Senate Judiciary committee vote on the H1B visas that he was for expanding that program at the expense of I think 30,000 MORE of those coveted Visas. BUT, on the Constitution, he really is a genius and I enjoy his questioning of the nominees because he IS so knowledgeable.

    I will try to see if I can hear again what Miers said about decisions involving Bush. I MAY not have quoted exactly but it was something very similar. I'll keep my ears to the ground today. Maybe someone will repeat it.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Yes I know what you mean about Bush on TV and that conference call with the Troops was just so humiliating. He's a schemer. He can plan the demise of the United States. He knows exactly what he's doing every minute...the reason he doesn't do well in press conferences is because he's a behind the scenes person, scheming, then he has to come out and ACT. Sometimes, he does well like at conventions and conferences he has really prepared for and that he cares about the outcome. He doesn't care about the troops; he's no Commander-in-Chief; he's no Leader. He's a brilliant schemer. I know the type. I know the type well. And he's as good as I've ever much so that when I figured out this Maniac and his Evil Plan back in April....I vomited for 4 hours. I know exactly how they are doing it and the only way to stop it is recess the Economy and we have to do it NOW.

    That's what Don't Spend, Save is all about.

    That money has to stop flowing and stay in our pockets every dime possible for as long as possible. It will only take a couple of months and we'll have all the money and they'll be broke.

    WE the People, right now, can actually last longer than the corporations, but WE have to stop spending all of us at once and do it NOW.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
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  8. #18
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    Oh--but don't forget his friend and ally, CHINA. When we stop spending, which by the way I do agree we need to do, all he'll do is drive up the deficit even more by borrowing more from China. I swear--I see the scenario clear as a bell. China is going to take over the world and the complacent American people are just going to keep spending like there's no tomorrow.

    I have this funny thought that, when Bush was searching for people to fill the jobs in the White House, he ran ads stating, "Brains for Hire. Anyone without one need not apply"!!! And, there came Karl Rove. SO, it stands to reason that, if Rove gets indicted, the White House has lost its BRAIN. I honestly think that all of the inept fumbling that we have witnessed in the last month is because Rove is so consumed with this investigation that Bush is winging it.

    I keep seeing Bush giving that HILARIOUS speech about the guestworker program and saying that we are going to hunt down every illegal in the country and deport them. And, that is when I really knew that your assessment of him thinking of Americans as "cabbage heads" is right on target. Do they really BELIEVE we BUY THAT one??? All his guest worker program amounts to is a de facto amnesty plan and we are just not THAT stupid that we actually believe that he had an overnight epiphany and completely changed his position on illegals. HE IS FUMBLING and BUMBLING and he has got to GO.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Yes indeedy, the Manac must go and sooner the better. You may be right about Rove. I've just always thought Bush had more than he demonstrates...brains that is....but maybe not. He could be Pumpkin know....more seeds than pulp.

    CBS just said what you did, this very second. With Rove out of the White House for indictment charges, then we'll be hearing different "music" from the White House and compared it to Paul McCartney without John Lennon althought I personally consider this an insult to Paul and John.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  10. #20
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    We sure wouldn't want to stoop to the level of comparing this President to the BEETLES!!! They would roll over! The loss of Rove in the White House would be kind of like beheading the beast IMHO!!! No wonder they are scrambling. Maybe I'm missing something about Dubya's intellect but it's hard for me to give anyone credit for having a whole lot of it when he couldn't talk his way out of a paper bag without the help of his COMMITTEE! Things are going to get BAD if we have to depend on HIM to make his own decisions and set his own policy. And, just when we thought things couldn't get worse!!

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