I JUST received this from "Congressman Tom Price" of Georgia

Your Help and Mitt’s Momentum Will Lead Us to Victory on Tuesday

Over the last few days alone, conservatives in Georgia and across the country have been uniting around a man and his vision—Mitt Romney and his vision to lead the Republican Party and the nation as a full spectrum conservative. Mitt Romney has surged to the lead in a recent Georgia poll and adding even more impressive conservative and other endorsements to a long list including Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the National Review, almost sixty Georgia state legislators and four Georgia Republican Congressman.

Now is the time for us to take a stand for our party values and our future. Please join me and other from Mitt’s team at his new operations centers to get out the vote for victory on Tuesday.

It is now clearly a two man race between Mitt Romney and John McCain. It is a clear choice between on the one hand, a governor and executive leader who has embraced and successfully led with conservative values in business, the Olympics and the bluest state in the nation. On the other hand a Senator who has spent decades in Washington and whose main legislative accomplishments undermined conservative values: McCain-Feingold’s assault on the First Amendment rights of free speech for conservative causes; McCain-Kennedy’s abandoning the rule of law to grant amnesty and government benefits to millions of illegal aliens; and McCain-Lieberman that could put a massive tax burden on Americans’ gas bill all while increasing pollution and costing American jobs as industries move to China.

We need you to help fight and win this battle for conservative values. Mitt has new centers across the state where you can meet members of Mitt’s Team, win prizes, learn about the Governor’s upcoming visits on Monday and Tuesday’s victory party, and help lead conservative change to transform the Republican Party and Washington. Join supporters at any of the following locations to help us turn out supporters on Tuesday