OMG............I found out something today! And if you live in a border town like I do.............then you might want to rethink all those Illegals. I found out working today that my coworker that is a hispanic and I know he is illegal had gotten a garbage bill from Washington State. With his name and address on it. So I ask him I thought you lived in Oregon? He said yes I do. I ask him how can you live in Washington and Oregon too? He said he had his girlfriend with his kids in Washington claiming Welfare and foodstamps from Washington. Then he has his girlfriend would bring his kids down and he claims Wefare from Oregon..........guess what foods and welfare whatever he can get...............Hey there robbing us might want to check it out..........they dont cross reference anything from one state to the other. So were really getting screwed......PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE.........THEY NOT ONLY TAKING OVER THEY ARE ROBBING US TOO.