We get passionate , we get carried away , we love "our guy" in the presidential race
Nobody is right if you don't support our guy

This isn't a dig at anyone or an endorsement of anyone

Its just meant to present what is going on , on this board ,other boards and across America

We love our guy , we don't hate the other guy(well.......)
but our guy would be better

Lets take the issue most important to US , Illegal immigration

Sometimes our movement wants the perfect candidate , put 50 k troops on the border , round um all up and deport um all

sounds good , but not gonna happen in the real world .

The smart money as we say in Vegas is on the deport by attrician candidate , Stop the bennys , cut the anchor baby deal , take away the incentives and they go home
You really don't want to present a hard line to Hispanic Americans , most of them do sympathize with us but many don't , afterall its their relatives we are talking about kicking out ,

Its a rough row to hoe for any candidate that has to play to all these crowds to have a chance to win

Bottom line the winner will have to have a firm line on illegals , they will have to be credible and present viable solutions to the problem because America demands it , and we are between a rock and a hard spot , We need someone THIS TIME who will do better on the issue than the raving moron we've had in the white house

Just ranting here on New Years , sorry for the diatribe