April 19, 2007

Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE******************************************* **************************** CONTACT: Jesse Benton, 703-650-9559

April 19, 2007

ARLINGTON, VA – New Hampshire voters contributed more money to Ron Paul than all but one Republican presidential candidate in the first quarter of 2007.* According to media reports, Granite State citizens donated nearly 20 percent more to the Texas congressman than presumed GOP front runners John McCain and Rudolf Giuliani.

"We are pleased with our New Hampshire fundraising results, but not surprised," said campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "The citizens of New Hampshire are savvy and understand Ron Paul is the only true Republican and champion of liberty in the race."

Dr. Paul's operations in New Hampshire are fresher than many other candidates and are beginning to gear up. The campaign recently hired veteran GOP operative Jared Chicoine to head state operations. Dr. Paul made his first visit to New Hampshire in late February. The campaign has produced a series of short videos documenting his trip that have garnered strong acclaim.
