I am concern about the up coming elections in the state and federal levels because of it's impact in identifying electoral college members who could potentially over turn the US majority's Presidential votes. Which (God help us) could be some illegal die hards pushing their Presidential candidate instead of the US majority population's candidate.

Am I curious to know if any of our members have been qualified for their state's electoral college. My fear is that next presidential election will force another vote in the so called college which could over turn the US majority's vote. And, the college members are voted on by the 2 major parties at their state level conventions. And, to even be a member you must have served as campaign staff or as a party member who has a lot of face time in the party.

My second thought is; there were discussions a couple of years ago about getting rid of the electoral college. And, if this is a possbility; this issue needs to get (somehow) on the public's minds, in the media, and back on congress's radar because after this year it may be too late to get Congress to abolish it in time for the 08 elections.

I do recall that Lou Dobbs had talk about this a couple of years ago.

Any thoughts and comments are welcomed.