The other day, I had made a post. Please forgive for I do not remember what the topic, I have slept since then. Anyway it was regarding verification of social security numbers. I asked several employers such as Wendy's (franchise) and a few McDonald's (franchise). To my surprise, the answer that came back was the same.

The question was asked what happens if an employee (illegal) presents you with a false social secuirty number? The employee is immediately terminated. Good going right....wrong. These employees come back after they have asked permission to use to a legal resident or citizen social security number. My next question was, since I was sorely perplexed by this action, doesn't the name have to match the number it was issued to. The answer in all incidents was no. I was informed that the social security for verification process only validates the number, that's it. Sometimes in different incidents, the employee brings back name changes along with the new number.

Now this caused me to wonder about the voting issue. How could an illegal vote? What a stupid question. Not really. You might not be able to have every illegal in this country vote, but how many could you have vote if taken the process to verify social security numbers is really that shallow. Enter the PIV(Personal Identification Verification)Card i.e. National Identification.

(I forwarded ALI-PAC email 20 times last night. Eight telephone calls came back with three astonsihed by the information. And had asked why wasn't all of this information getting out by other medias.)