Posted by Bud Stevenson
January 03, 2012

I drive from my home in Fairfield to my office in Vacaville five days a week, but I’ve yet to see a bumper sticker for one of the five Republican candidates or for President Barack Obama. Is it because voters can’t make up their minds, it’s too early in the electoral season, they’re concentrating on the local elections coming up in June, or maybe that most cars have no bumpers anymore?

But locally, very locally, the main focus of discussion and argument among conservatives who are up early to listen to talk radio — not Rush Limbaugh, but the former Lee Rodgers show, now, temporarily at least, hosted by Brian Sussman — is why Officer Vic has been canned.

By the time you read this you’ll know the answer, but at this time it’s a mystery. This is not some minor kerfuffle — ooh, I used that hated word — but involves the most popular character on the biggest conservative radio station in the Bay Area.

There are dozens of comments on Google about how KSFO could have the nerve to fire the most talented conservative radio personality on the right side of the dial. Actually, KSFO is on the left side of the dial. I can only hope they don’t replace him with that guttersnipe Michael Savage. But, there’s no sense guessing anymore, since the announcement of the reshuffle and new personalities was to come at 7 a.m. this morning.

I was intrigued by Rush Limbaugh’s analysis of the Obama strategy to totally abandon the white working class voter. Rush says Obama will concentrate on minorities, especially blacks and Hispanics, but also gays and intellectuals. Being a college graduate won’t be enough to get Obama’s attention; you must have a graduate degree as well. Lawyers will be solicited with great enthusiasm by the Democrats, not so much doctors, with whom Obamacare is not very popular.

This analysis comes from The New York Times, not Rush Limbaugh, and is allegedly based on a $1 million study of, not only the 2008 presidential results, but the 2010 congressional disaster for the Democrats. Supposedly the Obama people are willing to sacrifice even more congressional Democrats in exchange for presidential votes.

This has long been the fear of conservatives; that those who live off the government with welfare payments and jobs will become a majority of voters in the country. If you look across the Atlantic and the trouble that, at least the southern countries are having, you’ll see that that’s exactly what’s been happening. Millions of workers, not just police and firefighters, retire in their early 50s in Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, France and other members of the 17-nation eurozone.

A friend overuses the tiresome, but reasonably accurate phrase, that the “takers” will outvote the “makers” and plunge the country into poverty. It’s already happening in southern Europe, and we could be next. Letting millions and millions of undocumented immigrants into the country has two effects. It costs more to support them, at least initially, and they, without a doubt become Democratic voters. Eventually, many immigrants contribute solidly to our lower-end workforce, but they rarely become well-educated. How many second-generation Hispanics get their doctorates from UC Berkeley?

I’m not saying whose fault it is, but many other cohorts of immigrants are absorbed into American society. It’s a much slower process with Hispanics, except for what they do in the voting booth.

Bud Stevenson, a stockbroker, lives in Fairfield. Reach him at Bsteven254@aol.com.
