Citizens must stand up, defend U.S. culture, law
December 30, 2007

Those who preach diversity are preaching "divide and conquer."

Over the years, the diversity crowd and the "political correctness" crew have caused respect for our laws, even our Constitution, to be so diluted as to render them nearly meaningless. Diversity says every diverse culture must be allowed to supersede our American culture and we must respect and allow their laws to be effective in our courts.

This herd ascribes citizenship rights to non-citizens. This flock would open our borders to every type and stripe of humanity that could crawl across. This is not right and if not stopped, will ruin our nation.

Thankfully, there is a state like Arizona where intelligence, honor, courage and respect for our immigration laws are honored. Arizona passed a law to penalize employers who hire illegal aliens. I wish the rest of the nation would do the same.

Our national leaders (cowards) will not do what is right in the eyes of justice, so states must.

Oregonians, we must stand up to our gutless governor and those of his stripe who would destroy our American nation and culture. It is time to say no!
-- William Joines, Salem