Last night I was channel surfing throught the News Shows and I think on CNN they were talking about this little town about 500 miles South of the Border In Mexico. The gist of the story was the sudden increase of population, people returning to Mexico because they couldn't get jobs here in America. They were spining it to try and make people feel sorry for them and because America wouldn't take care of them here. OK IM RAISING THE BULLSHIT FLAG!!!! Not once did they make reference to the fact that Mexico's Government was not stepping up to help anyone. What the hell is wrong with these Illegal Immigrant Loving Idiots. Lets put the blame where the blame belongs and that is the Corrupt Government of Mexico and its Bought and Paid For Police Departments. KEEP BUILDING THE FENCE ALL THE WAY TO FLORIDA!!!!! Then put a Mine Field on Both sides of it for 1/4 mile each way. Every 100 feet we should paint an American Flag on the fence facing Mexico and see how they feel about that. OK IM DONE VENTING FOR NOW!!!!