This was posted on Diggers Realm today.

A Reader Writes: There is no solution to illegal immigration
By Digger

Ahh the joys of the uninformed and the do nothings. I received this comment today on my post on Bill Graham's 10 point plan to end illegal immigration in North Carolina if he is elected governor.

Reader "Madonna" doesn't much like my opinion and claims that there is no solution to illegal immigration. I have decided to post it below and respond because all of her arguments seem to be quite common by many in the pro illegal alien crowd.

I post the comment below for your enjoyment as I will take it to task point by point.

Dear Bloggers,
I would like to take this time to completely disagree with Digger and his/her previous respondents. In doing so, I would like to point out specific areas of the original blog itself that I disagree with and why.

This is fine. Nothing wrong with disagreeing and nothing wrong with stating your opinion, but what have you based your conclusions and opinion on? Let us take a look.

[color=darkblue][b][i]To start off, the whole point of this argument is that North Carolina is over-populated with illegal immigrants. Digger writes that there are over 400,000 illegal immigrants within that state. But really, is there any way to ever really know how many illegal “aliensâ€