Our immigration problems are not immigration problems at all. It is the lack of enforcement of employment laws. Including Mr. and Mrs. America. Think of all the big guys with Nanny problems. Big Wheels were hiring nannies left and right and they still are. Think of all the Mexicans standing on street corners near building supply warehouses. People come by in droves to hire them for small jobs. Contractors stop by and pick them for a day or a week when they are short handed. INS and border patrol should be following them home and citing every one of them for hiring illegals. Companies like Tyson Chicken, LP, WalMart, lumber mills, car washes, building industry, fish cleaning houses and the like are hiring millions of illegals. They need to raid them all and they need prosecuted. Get the local police back into the picture by letting them arrest every illegal then come in contact with and this would be all over. As a deputy sheriff we were stopped from picking them up in 1972 when we got a letter from Livermore California Border Patrol Office telling us they would no longer come to our jail to pick up illegal aliens. They were being reassigned to the border to stop all the illegals from crossing into the USA. We all know how well that worked. I stopped truck loads and arrested them all several times. Our sheriff at the time got calls from ranchers complaining. He told them tough luck, “Hire people here legally”. They called their elected officials and complained and it has been down hill since then. Later the power to arrest illegal aliens was taken away from city, county and state peace officers. It all went down hill even faster then. Check the influx of illegals since 1972 and you will see.
There is technology for a fraud proof ID card with an imbedded chip. They are cheep and effective. But the conservatives and liberals are against it due to lobbyist pouring cash into their coffers to stop any real progress for arresting and prosecuting any offenders. It needs to be a crime to enter the country illegally. Infraction the first time, misdemeanor the second and felony the third. Make agreements to have them serve their time in the country of origin on the first felony. If they come back they go into a federal prison work camp set to work in federal parks and BLM land and forests. They can plant trees, hand grade roads and fix bridges, improve facilities in federal parks and reserves. If they are criminal in nature then put them into the regular system. Prior to discharge they are officially deported and can NEVER return for any reason. If you have a green card and your are convicted of any crime bingo off to country of origin you go.
We need to have the newspapers investigate all these politicians and find out how many of them use illegal aliens in their businesses and homes. A little egg on the face is a good thing. Theodore Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave. No wonder congress has an approval rating lower than the president. They deserve it.