"But you have to confront the inevitable problem that many people for no fault of their own may take their children and be forced to raise them with public assistance."


So..."by no fault of their own"...they CHOSE to have 4 or 5 kids with NO foresight, or planning, or financial savings, should something happen...i.e. divorce, death, or the parent leaves...on WHAT THEY WOULD DO...do support their own children???

Actually...it is 100% FAULT OF THEIR OWN...not mine, or the US taxpayers. If you can only support 1 or 2, then only have 1 or 2 and plan accordingly...or go get a vasectomy or tubal ligation. You have control over that and the point is...make responsible decisions for your choices in life...not make others pay for it.

You have a right to have 5 children...you do not have a right to make taxpayers pay for it.