I just watched the immigration part of tonight's debate.

When Obama describes Romney on immigration it helps the Romney campaign because Obama is describing Romney as a man that will crack down on illegal immigration which is what a vast majority of American voter want.

And then Romney opens his mouth and blows it blaming Obama for not having passed Amnesty in his first term. Romney says Obama let people down by not doing what he said he would do on immigration.

Thus, Romney blames Obama for not passing Amnesty which is a contradiction to what Romney promised Americans in the primary and when he put Chris Kobach on his campaign team!

Then the whole thing melts down on stage and both these candidates look like fumbling Turkeys and leave Americans on both sides shaking their heads and understanding why America is so screwed up right now.

Romney could have kicked Obama's butt tonight by saying "Im going to enforce our existing immigration laws" but instead he tried to out Hispander and out Amnesty Obama.