I attended the rally in Los Angeles. It was put together by the Save Our State group as a "Civil Rights March For Americans" . If Illegals can march for their rights, we can march for ours. The turnout was very encouraging --about 150 patriots.

Circumstances prevented me from participating in the march itself but I showed up at rally site an hour before the marchers arrived. It was glorious to see them parading down a main street of one of America's largest cities, (now totally overrun by illegal "immigrants"). But the street didn't belong to the illegals yesterday. Courageous men and women, accompanied by police, walked into the jaws of the beast and ignored the rage and venomous hate.

The illegals had marched these streets the month before but this time around they showed their true colors. They didn't want our marchers to have any freedom to protest, any right to free speech. They did everything they could at march and rally, to drown out, impede, and stop the march.

Watch the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xTD1QNVZsk and see if you can find an American flag in the hand of any illegal. Mexican flags and the typical red "worker/socialist/Marxist/communist flag, were everywhere in the video. The red flags were even being waved aloft by brainwashed preteens. This is how they act on their home turf when the nation's media are not focused.

There should have been more patriots at the rally and march, but the lack of bodies didn't correlate with lack of fervor and spirit. There were some wonderful speeches and the overall event was well organized.. The police did a good job keeping the illegals out of our way . So all in all, a good and mostly "uneventful" event. The only thing I regret is that I had no way of knowing if any of the Alipac crowd was there. Maybe next time.
Consciousness of this issue is growing. People around the nation are starting to come around. Soon our people will awake. And then noone will be afraid to march in our own country, noone will be intimidated by unruly mobs who should be falling on their knees in gratitude for all they have received here , instead of flying a commie flag and berating our own citizens.