Letter: Immigration is cause of insufficient job creation
Written by
Larry Schreiber
Sauk Rapids
12:05 AM, Sep. 25, 2011

There are not enough jobs being created. The U.S. is losing its competitive edge in the world. The principal culprit in each of these issues is unfettered immigration. We are bringing in about 1 million legal immigrants each year. Who knows how many illegal immigrants are coming? But it’s likely at least 1 million a year.

Most of these new arrivals come without jobs or skills, and with cultural assimilation issues. It takes tons of money to subsidize housing, provide food stuffs, education, medical and on and on for these new arrivals because they come without jobs or personal wealth.

The hard fact is we cannot afford our current immigration policies or our failure to enforce current immigration laws.

We need to adopt a zero immigration policy, enforce immigration laws, and construct fences and a several-miles-wide dead zone along our border with Mexico.

The definition of “citizenâ€