the last couple days its been all about the budget

Entitlements, where to cut , what to cut

Thats all thats been all over the news , on Fox anyway

In all this talking heads BS I have yet to her 1 , yes ONE say , "gee, how much do illegal aliens cost our country"

Give me the budget , Along with STeve the roofer and a about a half dozen others here and we would show them how its done

Dept of Education .................. Gone , leave the damn money in the states\

Dept of Energy ...............gone
Dept of Homeland security ,,,,,,,,,,, GONE
All payouts to ethnic advo groups .........GONE , ACORN , LA RAZA, Naacp , all gone
planned parenthood , endowment of the arts , public (govt lib ) radio ....ALL GONE

How am I doing so far?