You people should have heard undocumented aliens laughing and making fun of legal citizens the weekend, talking about how President Obama and Demarcates Senators will not allow anyone to make them leave this Country and they are not afraid to be out in public because the...Cops…are not allowed to arrest them anymore for being in Virginia, the laws was passed last week to give them legal rights to be in America. Conversations, they are free and happy people and can live openly, and without fear. Undocumented aliens also stated many immigrants will relocate to Virginia because it is a Free State for all people. I speak English/Spanish and understand all gossip of illegal aliens when they have their discussion meetings and brags about the laws of this Country. Truly sad is all I have to say.

Since some of us refuses to enforce illegal immigration laws, we have created one of the worst situation the U.S. has ever encountered. But, it is not too late to take actions and do the right things...Get those insane, unlawful folks out of this Country now, before they create a problem none of us wants to be apart of.