Vote protest ……

So here I was talking on the phone with a close friend of mine who feels as strongly as I do about illegal immigration , and our talks tend to get humorously wild…..

However today while joking around , a thought occurred to me …. Early registration ballots .. Now I’m not sure how far out in advance one can vote but wouldn’t it be great if we could get people fired up enough to mail in a ballot early ? ( not too early of course because we need to know who the candidates are )

If we can make this a decisive wedge issue well before November , we can break any political force that stands in our way ..

Now the power of this voter protest wouldn’t come from republicans , but from getting DEMOCRATS to switch sides and vote republican … it CAN be done , look at me , I’m a man who save for immigration and gun rights could easily be considered democratic in my views … but I’m going to go republican and vote party line …

If we could start flooding post offices with early ballots , if we could start to show the media and the far left that the nation is turning WITHOUT THEM , they would quickly switch allegiance as November approaches adding even more force to the anti illegal immigrant drive …

If we could start a media campaign over SB 1070 we could illustrate to democrats EVERYWHERE that their party will NOT support America or Americans …all we really have to do is show them the party line votes on SB 1070 in Arizona ( most dems voted against , most repubs for )…. If 70% of the nation is in FAVOR of this law , that means there are votes to be had …. Same goes for the independents ….

With ten percent unemployment and states slashing services , it should take little to no effort to show the nation how illegal immigrants are keeping Americans from working and sucking up resources …

People want to make a difference , they want something in their hands , something that they can feel so that they KNOW their making a difference .. Right now hundreds of thousands of illegals are marching the streets bad mouthing us in our own nation …. People are getting incensed by this , they want to fight back , still their not willing to protest something that most people agree with by a super majority … but they WOULD be willing to fill out a ballot and send it in so they can sit at home SMUG while watching the non voters demand that we as Americans do as THEY wish ..

Not only would sending in an early ballot give many Americans the sense of action they so desperately desire right now , but it would also give them a STAKE in the battle …. At first the new protest voter would feel overjoyed at the thought that they’ve finally done something ,, but as it gets closer and closer to election time , that voter would feel less and less at ease until they KNOW their vote is secured In a wave of other votes … it would give those Americans who wanted to make a difference , who wanted to fight back , even more incentive to fight HARDER to enlist more people to the fight ..

Ah well , just a thought …