Posted by Letters to the editor
January 09, 2012

I previously wrote a letter to the editor that ended with, “What part of the word ‘illegal’ do our legislatures not understand” when referring to illegal immigrants. I now understand that President Obama had enacted the DREAM Act by executive order.

This act was opposed by a majority of the American people and twice defeated in Congress. What the DREAM Act does is grant amnesty to any illegal immigrant residing in the United States, if she or he agrees to enlist in the U.S. military or enter college.

I further understand that an Obama administration memo from John Morton, the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement directs I.C.E. Agents to now use “prosecutorial discretion” with regard to enforcing our immigration laws. Director Morton says that current Obama administration policy directs border patrol agents not to enforce immigration laws: “When ICE favorably exercises prosecutorial discretion, it essentially decides not to assert the full scope of the enforcement authority available to the agency.” That is correct, according to our current administration, the policy is not to enforce the law.

The Department of Justice has blocked Arizona from enforcing its voter ID law. Statistics show that Arizona is one of, if not the largest gateway for illegal immigration in the nation with a half-million illegal immigrants coming through the state annually. Arizona’s Attorney General Tom Horne believes that blocking of the law will facilitate massive voter fraud by illegal immigrants. He has accused the Obama administration of trying to thwart Arizona’s voter ID laws in a bid to get more illegal immigrants to the polls — presumably to cast ballots for the president and Democrats.

Just what is going on? First we have amnesty passed by executive order, then we have President Obama’s DOJ blocking voter ID in Arizona. What could possibly be the president’s motive? Apparently our president does not know the meaning of the word “illegal” either.

If this upsets you then copy this letter and email it to your friends and let them know what is happening.

Meir Horvitz

