What people need to understand about E-Verify is that it doesn't prevent the hiring of illegal aliens. All it does is verify for an employer that the person they are hiring is illegal, if they choose to use it. Most employers already know their illegal workers are illegal, they arranged for them through these cartel run labor networks. People who choose to violate the law choose to do that and there's really no system that will force them to comply if that's how they want to operate. Fines and jail time will change that around, but that requires enforcement. You get a new Congress, a new President, and they just stop enforcing. That's how we got to this mess to begin with. All the farmers and industries and contractors who hire illegal aliens, they know they're illegal. They hire them because they're illegal. So E-Verify is a useful tool, but it's not a solution by any means. The criminal elements behind illegal immigration are far richer, far meaner, far more clever and far more powerful than our government enforcers.