Where are all the patriots who founded this country? where is the tipping point? Bush doesn't feel accountable because he doesn't understand the implications of his decisions, he will leave office, sit on a beach with his buddy Fox some where in Mexico and Americans will be left holding the bag paying for these illegals. As for me, a card carring Republican, two and a half more years of this insanity is too much time. Everyday brings us new scandalous behavior from BushCo...If he is trying to make most everyone in America hate him with his immigration reform, he is doing the only thing that is working.
We must face the fact that we have a coup in this country, a gang of criminals(illegals) are trying to seize control of our country with the full cooperation of Bush and a Congress that does not understand its constitutional role.
I don't know if anyone else feels like this but that's my opinion.....