Who is going to cut my grass?
No kidding, this question was asked by a senior citizen when he responded to Letters to the editor recently in South West Florida
Has every one forgot about teens that used to do this to help his or her family; or adding to his or her college fund. Right now they are not busy enough and we see more and more kids getting wild because both parents have to work to make ends meet
Kids used to work and it kept them pretty much out of trouble; Plus they learned the value of a dollar. Now we have teens sitting on thier backside because local businesses that hire Illegal Aliens are to agressive and drives the kids out.
I am from the tail end of the Greatest Generation and I would greatly urge my fellow peers to pull they're collective heads out of they're forth point of contact AS_ and go back to hiring kids to do odd jobs; painting, cutting grass in stead of hiring Illegal Aliens
Who will cut my grass? damn, some of you people are so bambozzaled by bush and prescription drugs you dont know where in the H E double hockey sticks you are at ..... Its time for US, the Greatest Generation to make it happen... we cannot just sit back and watch this country fall to an Illegal Alien Invasion and Superior Presidente Jorge Boosh, Supreme Leader of the Bean Picker Nation and his Idea of a North American Union.

America needs us again "Let's Roll"