ALL other immigrants must pass a public charge test and have a U.S. sponsor or sponsors willing to pledge their income to support them. before a potential immigrant receives an immigration visa, American consular officers are supposed to evaluate whether he or she is likely to become a public charge, and, if so, deny the visa. good law. don't you think?

Refugees, asylees, and all amnestied illegal aliens are exempt from the public charge requirement.

Why has Congress decided that the American public (that's you and me) should serve as the sponsors for these immigrants? what sets them apart from all the others that are complying with the legal process? Because they're illegal in the first place?

Now they presume to REQUIRE us to "sponsor" another 12 million + of these illegals?

Then they will demand that "they" receive equal rights up to and including tax-payer funded healthcare and education; just like the last batch of millions of illegals that now qualify for Obamacare and public education?

I thought our schools were out of money? at least it looked that way when the protesters closed off the streets in Los(t) Angeles demanding more money for education. i'm confused. which is it?

Do we really need to work that hard at spending OUR money even with a multi- trillion dollar deficit?

When is enough, enough? i don't care to sponsor anyone with my hard earned dollars. Why am i being required to sponsor millions of people i have never even met? not only does it seems unfair, but it's patently ridiculous!

We simply cannot continue to amnetize 15 million illegal aliens every 10 years, allow them to collect welfare and food stamps, pay for healthcare, educate them and then let them vote to increase illegal immigration. the math just does not work out. WHAT HAPPENS IN TEN YEARS WHEN OIL RESERVES IN MEXICO ARE DEPLETED just about the time the NEXT 15 million are up for amnesty? Hell on earth. that's what will happen. "run for the border "will take on quite a new meaning. why are our representatives watching this happen? they may have gated communities and guaranteed government jobs but that won't help the rest of us.

p.s. napolitano just green lighted refugees from Greece. betcha didn't know you'd be sponsoring those folks did ya.

Please enforce our immigration laws.

a fellow patriot