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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Dallas, TX

    Why are we so afraid to voice our opinion?

    There's something I don't understand about the illegal immigration issue... why are we (as American citizens) so afraid to voice our opinion?

    I currently have a website ( that addresses the problem of illegal immigration. 80% of the people I know agree with and share my point of view; however, when they saw the website almost all were amazed that I had the “nerve” to create it. As a part of the site I sell t-shirts that say “Build The Fence” and “What part of illegal immigration don’t you understand?” To date, my husband and I are the only one’s willing to wear them. Mind you, I’m not surrounded by weak or un-opinionated friends but for some reason this is one topic that all are willing to complain about, but none are willing to act upon.

    I’ve spent most of my life in Texas and currently live in Dallas. I was very disheartened by last weekends march for immigration reform. The thousands of illegal immigrants and those who support them were almost treated like heroes. For some reason its OK to wrap yourself in a Mexican flag, proclaim your pride at being here illegally, and demand to be given all the “rights” you feel you deserve – but, you’re considered xenophobic and a racist if you dare display an American flag or wear a t-shirt that shows your support for American laws.

    I didn’t design the site to make millions from anti-illegal immigration souvenirs. I’ve actually done little to promote it. Now, however, my frustration and anger at these displays of hypocrisy has reached a new level. I don’t want to be the only one walking around in one of my shirts. I want to see them everywhere! I want the American public to stand up and actually show their aversion to illegal immigration. As Americans we need to stop being so afraid of offending and start being afraid of actually losing our country and all that it stands for.

    If you’re brave enough to put your money where your mouth is -- join me!

  2. #2
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    I'm not afraid to and I want to. Thank you, Irrochio !! I will visit your website.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    One thing that might help is to get some more links to your site to raise your traffic levels. A quick scan of your site shows low traffic. Ya cant get people wearing your shirts if they cant find you on the net.

    Two, a lot of ALIPAC's supporters want a wall or a fence. The reason it is not in our platform is that our consensus drops to around 54% of Americans say build a wall. That's a great level of support but each of our platform planks has over 80% support.

    I'm not afraid to speak out and the more people do speak out the less others will be afraid to do so.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    You should put the link to your site as your signature, Irrochio.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #5
    pixeldoctor's Avatar
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    Irrochio, Just went to your site. good points made there. I agree with your thoughts. WHY do people hesitate in saying what they really believe?

    I have some thoughts:

    -Political correctness has gotten out of control and is perceived as being more important than right or wrong i.e. fairness

    -People are afraid to be labelled as racists - they need a simple response to "you are being racist"

    -Illegals have nothing to lose when protesting - law abiding citizens may perceive they have a lot to lose to - lawsuits, attacks on reputation or on their person or property (Aliens have a fair proportion of people willing to commit crimes against others)

    -Illegals are being marshalled by some very experienced protest management - marxist/ socialist leftitst who do this frequently in Latin America. We dont have those people on our side and dont have the organization - yet

    -The latent concern and displaesure of seeing our country destryoed slowly with illegals neds to be brought to the surface in the MAJORITY of our people - many are still 'confused' not knowing which side is the correct one. Here is one place where WE bear the responsibility of SPREADING the news and helping the mainstream RECOGNISE the issue and then create acceptable channels for them to VOICE their concerns to the politicians

    - We need to ensure that poliicians CLEARLY GET THE MESSAGE taht the MAJORITY of citizens are UPSET and WILL NOT REWARD anything less than TOTAL SECURITY of borders, Enforcement of our laws and everything that reverses this INVASION

    but how? we need a simple PLAN to make taht happen.. ANY IDEAS ANYONE???

  6. #6
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    Irrochio, I have visited your website and agree 100%, and have no poblem voicing my opinion. I am a coordinator for the May 5th/6th National Illegal Immgrant Protest for Oregon.

    However, heres a little of my story. I live in an apartment complex that has 35 units, owned by a Romanian imigrant who is a slumlord deluxe and loves to rent to illegals. Out of those 35 untis only 2 are inhabited by Americans, us and our children and one other single guy in another unit. Our children have been subjected to harassment of all sorts, including our 8 year old daughter being stabbed in the arm by one boy.

    They have lobbed lie after lie about us at the landlord, attempting to get him to kick us out (notice this is a favorite tactic of all the illegal immigrant supporters as well? Lie about people in order to get what you want by pressuring the authorities into browbeating those you want out of your way???)

    We have strong opinions and I personally do not have concerns for my own safety here, because I know they would not be that stupid, but they have their kids commit acts against ours, so long as the perpetrator is under 15, so juvenile authorities will not get involved. We have a 12 year old son, who is 5'5", and a prime target for gang violence.

    We have to be cautious here where we live, but still I speak out. But in this kind of situation, you have to use some general wisdom.

    It will be known after May 6th with my neighbors, more so than now, how I stand and who I am. They will know because my hopes are that the local media will air the protest. I have hopes it will be bigger than even I can expect.

    I expect to face a lot of nastiness when I am done with this. Of course we have hopes to leave here soon, but thats an economic issue.
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    why are we afraid

    very simply put, we are outnumbered. We are truly underdogs. If we don't unite, we will lose. We have the US government, the catholic church, China, Iran, and Russia, Bill Gates, Big oil companies and Walmart against us!! Wake up people! We are heading into doomsday without trowing out a fight

  8. #8
    johnpress's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    The reason why and asking for votes


    The reason is that we have a different cultural sensitivity than Mexico. Historically we have been sceptical of government and leary of passionate mobs. In Mexico they fly huge garish flags in every city. Mexican nationalism is very loud and brazen. Many have said it is a reaction to their having been defeated by Cortez and gringos. Actually, I think their level of devotion is more normal (witness Muslim devotion and Chinese devotion). We need to learn that fostering cultural pride is a normal cultural function of government or we will never stand proud.

    Puritans were against all gaudy popism and it shows in our art and demeanor. Multiculturalism is the ultimate Puritanism. It is sorry for its sins and not proud of its achievements.

    We would consider it bad manners to go to another country and fly our flag. That is not, apparently, a universal. We are circumspect about pride. We are a great country with great achievements, we should be prouder.

    Now for my second agenda.

    I am a minuteman volunteer who was at both the Arizona and California borders and has sent two rounds of faxes about the Senate debate.

    I have written a book about protecting our culture called "culturism". Culturism holds that we need to protect and popularize our culture. Diversity is real. Pointing out high birth rates and low education is not racist, it is culturist. Culture being important is shown by the differences between our country and other's. It is shown in the differences in style of patriotism mentioned above.

    I'm a contestant to be on a TV show that will let me talk about culturism. Please vote for me @

    Go to my website - to read about culturism.

    Voting for me is voting for the sorts of opinions I mentioned above, sorry that it is also self-serving of me. I will not talk about this past Thursday when the voting is over.

    Thanks for thinking,

    John Press

  9. #9
    Senior Member jp_48504's Avatar
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    You need to put in a title for your homw page. you currently only have Home page as your title in your source code. you also dont have any meta tags. PM me if you need help.

    By the way, how many of your shirts are AMde in the USA. I will not buy Shirts Made in Communist China or Any CAFTA Country.
    I stay current on Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's fight to Secure Our Border and Send Illegals Home via E-mail Alerts (CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP)

  10. #10
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    JohnPress, I don't think the purpose of this board is for you to promote your book , hon. tThis is the second thread so far where I've seen this same information.

    Maybe you might want to just put your link in your signature like others do and be a little less obvious. You can probably get a better response if you promote your book at
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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