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  1. #11
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Good thinking, JP !!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Oricchio, I think part of the problem you mention is that political correctness is out of hand. I've had people look at me like I'd broken wind when I brought up the subject. I also think that this is an issue that cannot be mulled over at the workplace, certainly at no government job. I retired from the State of California if I had worn one of your Tee shirts to work I'd have been sent home to change. The work place used to be where exchanges of ideas took place( not to mention a great place to meet women). If your Tee shirts said good fences make good neighbors and credited Robert Frost people could wear them to work. Hell I'd wear one of the ones you print now but I'm several belt sizes away from the Stanley Kowalski look (actually more than several).

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    well guys, I live here on the border with Nuevo Laredo, my uncle is the current Tamaulipas governor and I guess my advive is fruitless. I can only do so much considering the fact that I have been tried to get kidnapped 3 times by the mexican government and am a US navy seal and me brother is currently serving in Iraq. Follow your ideals and really wont get any where. Do not provide money to something that has to get done out of heart and not greed

  4. #14
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    I can only do so much considering the fact that I have been tried to get kidnapped 3 times by the mexican government and am a US navy seal and me brother is currently serving in Iraq.
    What, Carsan? Could you explain ?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #15
    Senior Member mapwife's Avatar
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    "why are we (as American citizens) so afraid to voice our opinion?"

    William has said it on line and I say it to everyone I know, we're all afraid of the words. The WORD that strikes fear in the average person.
    RACIST! There's not to many ways to retort it to the other side. We know they're really the racists, but they call us that till their faces are blue and we go cower in the corner.
    Illegal aliens remain exempt from American laws, while they DEMAND American rights...

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    It's hard to believe that they are doing so well and their only weapons are canned rhetoric aimed at causing middle class guilt & shame and name calling. The fact that there is no logical reason (other than greed and votes) to give up our cultural heritage escapes so many.

  7. #17
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    I suppose that is why I am not silent, I am not middle class, so no one can make me feel guilty over already having the "American dream" (although the American dream is not about actually having "everything" its about the freedom to pursue it) and then feeling guilty because I might be denying someone else that opportunity.

    I am not a homeowner and we have one car, that is 20 years old. So we are in the front lines of what illegal immigration has done to America, it has affected us and all the people we know and our relatives. I have personally seen how the job market has plummeted and how my own family has struggled to barely pay rent and electric.

    When I speak to people I tell them "you have no idea what it is like to not only struggle so much, but to have to live in substandard conditions not only because of skyrocketing rents, but because of lowered wages". And they usually do not understand.

    Many people have been cloistered in their cozy little lives so long, with their houses, two cars, etc... that they have no clue how terribly rough it is out here. Until they too are here, down in the trenches with the rest of us, they never will know, and they will never speak up.

    I see constantly these sites telling all of us Americans to fire our illegal gardeners and maids and such, and I have to laugh, I think "there are really people out there who hire someone to cut their grass and garden for them and also people to clean their houses for them?".

    I have nothing to lose, I speak out, the only concern I have about is the safety for my children, it has already been threatened before here where we live. I realized not long ago that if I do not become the one in the "playground" that has finally had enough bullying, and punches the "illegal bully" right in the nose, then I and my family will continue to be threatened and bullied into either silence or moving (which I cannot afford to do).
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern Mexifornia
    Quote Originally Posted by mapwife
    "why are we (as American citizens) so afraid to voice our opinion?"

    William has said it on line and I say it to everyone I know, we're all afraid of the words. The WORD that strikes fear in the average person.
    RACIST! There's not to many ways to retort it to the other side. We know they're really the racists, but they call us that till their faces are blue and we go cower in the corner.

    Labeling you "racist" is an insidious form of hostile argument. The intention is to intimidate and scare you into silence or detract you from the course you're taking. If you back off, then your accuser wins. That's the sad thing. Turn tail and run because of a stupid label. We need to get some one-liners in our repertoire.

    Depending on the situation here are some possible retorts

    "Are you trying to distract the argument?"
    " Racist? Oooh how intimidating. Am I supposed to cringe now?"
    "I'm against illegal invasion by ALL races including my own"
    " If I explain why I'm not racist, can you explain why you're not illegal?"
    "If you have to stoop to call me names you must be out of sound arguments"
    "If I'm racist so was John Revere"
    "One man's racism is another man's patriotism"
    "So "racist" is your trump card? Am I supposed to be impressed?"
    "I'm no racist, but even if I were I'd still be entitled to voice my opinion"
    "If I'm racist what is Mecha?"
    "Yes, I'm racist, Human-Race-ist"
    "If you think America is full of racists why do you want to live here?"
    ----------(and my favorite)-------
    "If you think my viewpoint is racist, then you may as well call my dog a racist too. I guarantee you he would bark up a storm if someone tried to sneak into my home uninvited."

    Of course you could always use the kindergartner's silly retort
    "I know you are, but what am I?"
    “Homeland Security? What Homeland Security ?”

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    yes, i live here right on the border and finding myself in a big kind of mess. I voice my opinion rightfully so. Yes, we are a nation over attack. We will lose our sovereignty if we don't stand up! We do have politicians working on sick agendas. Why won't they listen to Americas will? As I said, i do get threathebed by weird phone calls, weird messages left on my door and weird dressed-up soldiers walking through the front of my house every week or so. It is real guys, there is a big business created invasion underway.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    They even call Blacks racist!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Those of us who don't support Illegal Immigration are being called racist. That is what Americans fear the most. No one wants to be considered a racist. Another reason is because our law makers don't seem to be pushing for us, so what if you take to the streets to voice your opinion against them, and then they win. Now you will be black balled from working because they are moving into power. I voiced my opinion on my childs form that was sent home and the teacher informed my husband that I couldn't do that. Especially since I was trying to seek employment with the district. So I don't have the right to the first amendment to the Constitution. They have done an excellent job in putting fear in the American people. Now we are all afraid of what may happen to us if we speak out against them. Imagine working in a predominately Hispanic school and going against illegal immigration. Guarantee you that person will no longer work at that school. They will ban together to keep that person from working. The students wouldn't show up to class and parents will say they don't want their kids in that teacher's class. So what do Americans do. Even Black America has been forced to sit down and be quiet on this issue.

    All Americans shoudl sue for their right to work in this country. We should say we are being discriminted against for our language. Tecahers Aide and medical personell are being discriminated against for not speaking Spanish.
    Please read my post,,,,I am posting information where they have sued becuase of their language. We need to do the same.

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