Wouldn't it be great if:

Americans who are appauled at undocumented workers' taking advantage of welfare, WIC, food stamps didn't acceptc such handouts themselves?

Americans who are upset by the huge salaries received by corporate/hollywood/sports icons didn't demand huge increases in their own salaries through such things as paid medical leave, healthcare, abuse of sick time?

Americans realized that for companies to compete in a global market, then perhaps the employees must be willing to take some cuts in benefits and/or salaries.

Americans lived within their incomes and didn't live on the false incomes provided by excessive credit card use?

Americans realized that the more successful the economy then the greater the appeal to undocumented workers?

Americans realized that the only way to dramatically reduce the impact on American culture, demographics, services, politics through unrestrained immigration (whether documented or undocumented) is to remain aware of the subtle changes in society that lead to such catastrophies each day and not wait until the situation becomes nearly irreversible?

Americans realized that President Bush is a pawn himself.

Americans stopped worrying about such myths as Global Warming, and worried more about teaching their children about ethics, morals, honesty and respect?

Americans realized that taking care of one's self is always better than expecting government to take care of you?

Americans realized that all things go in circles, whether that be time, history, weather or populations?

Americans realized that undocumented immigrants are a common phenomenon throughout history and throughout the countries of the world?

Americans realized that the emasculation of American men has led to the
further dimmunation of the family?

I welcome honest debate, but please remember that emotions will do nothing to improve anything.