Blake Masters Launches Ad Blasting Mark Kelly for Voting Against Border Patrol Agents but for IRS Agents


Trump-endorsed Senate candidate Blake Masters of Arizona launched a new television advertisement blasting Democrat Mark Kelly for voting against adding more border patrol agents while voting for more IRS agents.

“Rising prices mean that we all have to take a second look at our shopping list. Set priorities. So let’s look at Mark Kelly’s,” Blake Masters says in his new advertisement.

Blake Masters

US Senate candidate, AZ

NEW TV AD Mark Kelly and the Democrats want federal agents combing through your wallet instead of stopping illegal aliens

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11:23 AM · Oct 3, 2022

Masters asks, “How about hiring 18,000 new border patrol agents, does that sound good? Mark Kelly voted no.” Masters goes on to note, “What did Mark Kelly do instead? He voted for 87,000 new IRS agents.”

“Mark Kelly kept our border wide open, but he is sending tax collectors after you,” Masters concludes.

Blake Masters has been endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council.

The National Border Patrol Council endorsed Blake Masters for U.S. Senate in Arizona. (Twitter/Blake Masters for U.S. Senate Press)

Kelly, who has concerning business ties to China, has voted in line with Biden 94 percent of the time.

Meanwhile, Kelly campaigns as if he is a moderate. Additionally, Democrat Mark Kelly has repeatedly voted against border security, enabling the unprecedented crisis on our Southern border, which border states like Arizona are acutely affected by.

Roughly three million economic migrants have been allowed across the southern border into the U.S. economy since Biden’s inauguration. Roughly two million additional legal migrants, temporary workers, and white collar illegals have been allowed in via U.S. airports. The combined inflow is huge — roughly four million immigrant workers join the labor force each year.

A Yale University study from 2018 reveals that there may be anywhere from 16 million to 29 million illegal immigrants within the United States, a figure that has undoubtedly shifted since the study was conducted.

According to recent polling from Gallup, a plurality of Americans would like to see immigration decrease.

Masters Launches Ad Blasting Kelly for Voting Against Border Security (