Digger And Jake On Last Americans Standing This Sunday - Listen In!
By Digger

Jake from the Freedom Folks: http://www.freedomfolks.com/ and I will be the guests this weekend on the Last Americans Standing show: http://www.lastamericans.us/ with William Gheen, president of ALIPAC. Last Americans Standing is a radio show focusing on illegal immigration that broadcasts over the Internet and on terrestrial station in the south and middle of our country.

I don't do many interviews - though I have been asked to do many - so this is your chance to hear me and to call in and interact.

We'll be discussing blogging, how to get started in it, the pitfalls, the ups, the downs and of course illegal immigration. It's sure to be an entertaining show, so make sure you tune in this Sunday from 3-5PM EST. If you are a blogger I want you to call in and be a part of the discussion! If you're someone who sends out emails about illegal immigration or forwards them on, I want you to call in and listen! If you're an American, I want you to call in and listen!

You can listen in at the Last Americans Standing website and call in and be a part of the show. I look forward to hearing your comments and input and even more, your participation in saving our country!

Here is from the official release from Last Americans Standing: http://www.lastamericans.us/index.php/2 ... the-b-2008


If you are an allied blogger or webmaster, please listen in and feel free to call in and join the discussion. The next show is for you!

I've invited these folks to be my first guests because they are patriots who decided to take their activism on the illegal immigration issue to a higher level by starting a Web Log known as a blog: http://tinyurl.com/54qa2b Jake and MJ work with video and Digger uses videos but focuses more on articles.

The illegal aliens and their supporters have launched a concerted effort to get more of their activists running their own blogs. Therefore, we need more of you to consider starting new blogs to increase your ability to broadcast information and opinions.

We will discuss simple and inexpensive ways you can increase your abilities with a personal blog.

We will discuss many issues because these folks are practically experts on the topic of illegal immigration. We have all had the pleasure of working together on many projects for our cause.

Jake, MJ, and Digger helped me lead Blogger Row to Washington last year as part of Hold Their Feet To The Fire 2007. These bloggers delivered the lone legislative success of the entire event. We are developing new strategies using the New Media to accomplish our goals and have many stories to tell.

Don't let the technical aspects of blogging dismay you. We could easily call this show 'Blogging for Dummies' or 'My Cat Could Start A Blog.'

Please visit and check out their websites before the show to get to know Jake, MJ, and Digger better!

When you hear the show, you will understand why I wanted them to come on first. These brave fighters for our cause work tirelessly and often do not receive the recognition and understanding they deserve. Their value to our efforts is immense.

Looking for a way to take on that biased newspaper in your town? Would you like to share your thoughts and opinions with thousands of other people? Do you feel like driving illegal alien supporters up a wall?

You might find yourself wanting to start your own blog after the show and even if that does not interest you, you will hear from many callers who have sites you can explore and consider supporting.

I'm looking forward to another exciting show with you this Sunday with our first official guests!

Together we will explore the mysteries of the blogosphere.

Please spread the word and prepare to tune in, turn on, and take our country back!