Quote Originally Posted by Sabrina
tiredofapathy - Here is some info you can pass on to your friends and family in NC - American taxpayers dish out 11 to 22 BILLION dollars per year in Welfare to Illegals, 2.2 BILLION per year in food assistance programs - food stamps - WIC and free school lunches, 2.2 BILLION per year in Medicaid, 12 BILLION a year in primary and secondary school education for illegals who can not speak a word of English, 3 MILLION dollars a DAY to incarcerate illegals (30% of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
Senator Jon Kyl quoting a Govermnet Accounting Office study in National Review Online - there have been 55,322 criminal aliens arrested 459,614 times averaging over 8 arrests per alien - Dept. of Justice expressed suprise at high rate of re-arrest - found that 73 criminal aliens (in study group) arrested 429 times.
The American people must realize that we are paying, in every respect ,for criminal illegals who could care less about our Rule of Law. We should be taking care of Americans first - but unless the PEOPLE scream loud enough NOTHING WILL CHANGE.
NC MUST stand up and take charge.