Illegal Immigration, With a Focus on "Illegal"
By Mike Wacker
Sun Assistant Web Editor
Jun 19 2007
Given that there are so many close contests ranging from local county elections to presidential elections, people have started to realize that every voice counts. With such a narrow margin for victory so often, imagine how adding 12 million people to the United States could change the dynamics of our country! Even if they couldn't vote, those 12 million would definitely influence their friends in the voting electorate, thus influencing politics on the local level in House and Senate elections. America faces this impending problem of a massive demographic change, and all because of the crisis resulting from the 12 million illegal immigrants in our country, whose numbers grow constantly every passing day.

Now first of all, I have no problem with any demographic change that occurs from immigrants who legally move here. Quite frankly, I hate it when people who staunchly oppose illegal immigration while embracing legal immigration get labeled as racists and bigots. America needs real debate and solutions on this matter, not more name-calling. So although I embrace those who arrive here legally, I do not want to deal with the consequences of such a major demographic shift simply because Congress does not understand the meaning of the word “illegal.â€