Published: 07.13.2009

Minutemen can't disown Forde
Opinion by Rueben Navarrette Jr.
I can usually count on amusement from a band of border vigilantes and their Minuteman-tics.
In April 2006, when Sen. John McCain dared unemployed union members to pick lettuce to disprove his contention that Americans won't do the jobs that immigrants do, an outraged group of Minutemen demonstrated outside McCain's office in Phoenix holding heads of lettuce — to show that they could pick lettuce if they had to. The produce was wrapped in cellophane and stamped with a bar code. The protesters picked lettuce all right — in a supermarket.
In October 2006, I wrote a commentary in which I lampooned the Minutemen for prowling "the U.S.-Mexico border chasing Mexicans — admittedly, not an easy thing to do when you're carrying a lawn chair and a cooler of beer." In response, Jim Gilchrist, co-founder of the Minuteman Project Inc., wrote a rebuttal insisting that his volunteers "do not drink on duty."
In February 2007, Gilchrist found himself in what turned into a long and bitter feud with directors of his own organization after they fired him over allegations of fraud, failure to secure nonprofit status, mismanagement and falsifying documents. Gilchrist sued the board, which retained control of the Minuteman name, and the board countersued. Gilchrist later launched a new group, Jim Gilchrist's Minuteman Project Inc.
There's nothing amusing about what occurred May 30 in the border town of Arivaca, about 50 miles south of Tucson. Nine-year-old Brisenia Flores and her father, Raul, were shot and killed by intruders dressed in camouflage and impersonating law enforcement officers. Brisenia's mother, Gina, was also shot but survived.
Officials have charged Shawna Forde, Jason Bush and Albert Gaxiola in the shootings. Forde, a native of Everett, Wash., is the founder of a border-watch group called Minutemen American Defense. Bush is also a member of the group.
The Star, citing a Pima County investigator and court filings, reported that Bush had made a "full confession" to the killings and named Forde, Gaxiola and other individuals — still being investigated — as involved in the attack.
While the murders were certainly hateful acts, this isn't a random hate crime. Authorities say it was part of a plot hatched by Forde and the others to rob suspected drug dealers and use the proceeds to fund Minutemen-style activities. The assailants allegedly believed that Raul Flores had a stash of drugs and money in the house, but authorities found no evidence of drug trafficking.
Since the killings, factions of the Minutemen organization have been desperately trying to disassociate themselves from Forde and Bush, attempting to portray them as rogue members who went off the deep end. According to a recent article in The New York Times, Forde even demanded that her half-brother take a loyalty oath to not eat Mexican food.
Not so fast. The Minutemen shouldn't be allowed to disown Forde, Bush and any other border vigilantes incriminated in the investigation. Far from being outlanders, Forde and Bush were marinated in the vile and racist juices of an anti-illegal immigration movement that often seeks to dehumanize people it considers "illegal alien invaders." And, from media reports, it seems that various factions of the organization welcomed Forde into their ranks over the years.
In fact, according to an alternative newspaper in Everett, a couple of years ago, Forde ran for the city council there unsuccessfully on an anti- illegal immigration platform. In June 2007, Forde co-sponsored an event dubbed the Illegal Immigration Summit where, according to the newspaper, she warned the audience that illegal immigrants would soon "outnumber real Americans" and that one would have to speak Spanish to get a job. The keynote speaker chimed in, warning that a "tsunami" of Mexican immigrants threatened the national identity, that "soft immigration laws" were destroying the country, and that Spanish would be the national language of the United States by 2030.
The speaker at Forde's event? Jim Gilchrist.
Ruben Navarrette is a columnist for The San Diego Union-Tribune. His e-mail address is