Nine reasons to enforce immigration laws
Rich Cormier, Guest columnist

Statistics have finally been compiled and released by the government as to the effects illegals or undocumented aliens are having on our surffering economy and the results are shocking:

1. $90 billion per year on welfare and social services spent on illegals.

2. $2.2 billion per year on food stamps and free school lunches to


3. $2.5 billion yearly on Medicaid for illegals.

4. $12 billion yearly on primary and secondary education for illegal students who speak no English.

5. $17 billion yearly on anchor babies born to illegals.

6. $3 million a day to incarcerate illegal criminals who now make up 30 percent of inmates in Federal prisons. Illegals have a crime rate two and a half times that of white non-illegals and last year they committed nearly 1 million sex crimes.

7. at least $200 billion in suppressed wages to Americans caused by illegals. (They take jobs at a lesser pay rate).

8. In 2005, 4-10 million illegals crossed our southern border and in 2006 illegals sent home $45 billion to their countries of origin.

9. the National Policy Institute estimates it would cost $206-$230 billion over a five-year period for a mass deportation program to fix a problem that’s costing taxpayers $124.2 billion yearly now, without taking the suppressed wage issue into account.

To all the bleeding hearts who say they’re just coming here to make a living for their families here and back home and we should let them be or give them licenses and in state tuition breaks, take a long, hard look at the money not being spent on our own citizens and legal immigrants because of the burden placed on our society by illegals.

Read the Tribune’s police log for the daily reports of illegals caught driving without licenses who are subject to only a $100 fine and a tow. And lest you think these are the ramblings of a prejudiced citizen; all these numbers are verifiable at http.// Read for yourself the devastation this scourge is having on our country while politicians continue to ignore it and pander to them so they look PC in the voting publics eyes. It’s not wrong to expect people to adhere to laws written long ago to control immigration.

It’s not only monetary concerns these laws address, but now we are also seeing a public health threat because of unchecked influx of eradicated diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, hepatitis C, and even yellow fever are again showing up in our midst coming from countries with no inoculation programs. Immigrants who go through proper channels are checked for medical abnormalities before being granted entrance.

Wake up folks and tell your elected officials enough is enough.

The solution to the problem is simple: dry up the benefits they receive that attract them here, deport immediately any caught in the commission of a criminal act, and put in place serious sanctions against employers who hire people without proper documentation or real verifiable social security numbers, and change our anchor baby policy to reflect how other countries in our hemisphere deal with babies born to illegals in their countries.

Rich Cormier is a Waltham, MA resident.