Dream Act: American Citizens Shouldn’t Be Punished For The Mistakes Of Illegal Alien Parents

Posted by Bernard
Wednesday September 26, 2007 at 9:56 am

Senator Richard Durbin’s “DREAM Act 2.0″ (SA 2919) is a re-drafted stealth-scheme to grant amnesty, American citizenship, and additional benefits’ giveaways to a group of foreign nationals here in our country illegally. It is being slyly attached to a Department of Defense (DOD) authorization bill (HR 1585) in an effort to slide it through the Senate chamber with minimal to non-existent floor debate and public awareness to ensure its passage.

It is deceitful legislation, whether in its original form or its current iteration, that compromises American sovereignty, devalues American citizenship, undermines the rule of law, and makes a mockery of the American Founding. It’s unadulterated Senate sleight-of-hand to dodge the American mainstream and to circumvent the grassroots’ uprising that killed the Bush-Kennedy Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill this past June. It’s symptomatic of a Senate elite working on behalf of illegal immigrants, Latino special interest groups (e.g., the National Council of La Raza), and the corrupt government of Mexico, rather than for the bona-fide American citizens who feel less and less represented in the halls of Congress. In a nutshell, it’s another shamnesty nightmare being perpetrated on a largely unsuspecting public and it must be revealed for what it is, beaten back, and defeated.

Hard as it is to believe, the United States Senate needs yet another unambiguous message sent to it from the American people in the form of phone calls, faxes, and e-mails — an unwavering message of outrage, rebuke, and insistance on NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS. We made it clear in June and we need to make it clear again this week: ENFORCEMENT FIRST, pure and simple. Secure our borders and ports, preclude visa overstays, and conduct active internal enforcement to ferret out and punish employers who knowingly employ undocumented aliens.

In a Politico.com story by Carrie Budoff Brown, published yesterday, Senator Durbin (D-IL) is quoted as follows:

[color=darkred] [i]“The fundamental premise,â€