You guys can't take an argument; you have nothing but hate... Soo I better post my opinions quick;

True1: Hard line immigration candidates lost the elections 'cause they forgot that illegal immigrants don't vote, but they have citizen family and friends, a lot of them.

True2: Of course it's about race, as most American aren't interested on the collor of the new immigranst skin, they didn't "buy" the argument that it's "not about the race, we just want to accomplish with the law". Hey if that's true, be happy: pretty soon there will come a legalization for the paople that earned it, so there won't be illegals on this country. Isn't that what you want?

True 3: Illegals pay taxes; I'm an illegal myself and I'm pretty sure that I paid more taxes alone last year than the whole "ALIPAC: together, For those that will say that if I am an illegal and I paid taxes I must have an stolen SSN, that's not the case: I have an ITIN number, issued by the IRS.