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  1. #11
    Senior Member JohnB2012's Avatar
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    Raleigh, NC
    Haven't found any links yet. Watch channel 17 at 11. They may run the story again.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Albuquerque, NM
    Just wanna say thanks, y'all, for fighting the good fight! Looks like a nice time and I hope to someday be in such a rally.
    Hussein who?

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    El Norte De Carolina, Los Estados Unidos
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff
    Just wanna say thanks, y'all, for fighting the good fight! Looks like a nice time and I hope to someday be in such a rally.
    You're from NM. Well our next Raleigh rally is this Wednesday, July 5th, Otherwise I'd say I hope to meet you. I certainly could not travel as far as NM for a rally out your way - because of expenses. If you can, though attend, one of ours well welcome.
    People who take issue with control of population do not understand that if it is not done in a graceful way, nature will do it in a brutal fashion - Henry Kendall

    End foreign aid until America fixes it's own poverty first - me

  4. #14
    Senior Member Virginiamama's Avatar
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    Great Job Guys!!! Thank-you for standing up for the United States of AMERICA!!!
    Equal rights for all, special privileges for none. Thomas Jefferson

  5. #15
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    I dont imagine there will be much positive press from the rally today, tho I look forward to be proven wrong. The way I rally is by voting, calling my representatives, volunteering and contributing to candidates that agree with me.
    Well, USATIME, I'll tell you why I went to this rally and why I plan to go to all the other ones. One word. Frustration.

    I, too, vote and write and coax and cajole and even threaten not to vote for specific individuals. In truth, I've been doing just that since 1996. And what have we gained? Congress sits on their hands while thousands more illegals pour across the border and the President makes all sorts of wild promises he has no intention of keeping.

    Today, I am represented by one senator who, since she is up for re-election, seems to be changing her views about the negative impact the illegals have on our country. But I don't see her saying that publically. She says it to me in letters because she knows I am watching. Can I trust that? Her voting record, or lack thereof, says different.

    My other senator is right out there front and center but he has always had a forked tongue and I don't really trust him, either. In fact, tomorrow, he's liable to be conjuring up another bill with McCain that traitor.

    My congressman, as near as I can determine, is an anchor baby turned 50 or 60 something whose English dialect decidedly smacks of a Mexican heritage. He is all for the illegals being handed citizenship on a silver platter yet he claims to want the borders secured. He is the only one of my reps who doesn't change horses in mid stream every other day, though. But then, 90% of the people who get to vote for him have illegal relatives or fraudulent voter registration cards so what would one expect? Last election, he ran unopposed. This election, the Libertarian running against him isn't even campaigning yet. What are the odds that he will be back for another term?

    Currently, I live and vote in a county where it has been published in the newspaper that 51% of the population is comprised of illegal aliens. It is a scary and threatening experience for five or ten non-hispanic citizens to stage a protest there, I can assure you. I do not consider that city or even that state my home--I consider it part of Mexico, actually.

    I consider NC my home because this is where we will ultimately live out the rest of my life and this is where the majority of my family resides. I'm not here often enough but I enjoy every minute that I am here.

    I went to the rally in Raleigh out of frustration. I'm tired of people thinking that the majority of the American people are going to sit still and let their county be taken over by illegal aliens. I only wish I had the guts to get up there on the podium and let people know what it feels like to live in a city where you are outnumbered 5 to 1 by people who don't even speak English.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #16
    Senior Member lsmith1338's Avatar
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    Boston, MA
    Thanks guys for taking of your time on a holiday weekend to stand up for all of our rights. Looks like it was a beautiful day there. And thanks John for the pix Yes please do post the newscasts if they become available. Love to put faces to people you speak with daily
    Freedom isn't free... Don't forget the men who died and gave that right to all of us....
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  7. #17
    Senior Member rebellady1964's Avatar
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    It's too bad that W could not be there to help support those who came out to rally for Americans against the illegal invasion. I was expecting to see W there because there was going to be a surprise guest speaker. Hey, W, we could have used your support. RonLaws and I rode down together, over a 3 hour drive and almost $40 in gas(oil companies are killing us). But it was nice to meet everyone and see the people we talk to on this board everyday. John, I really enjoyed talking to your wife, she's a very nice lady.
    "My ancestors gave their life for America, the least I can do is fight to preserve the rights they died for"

  8. #18
    Senior Member RonLaws's Avatar
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    Overall I think the event was a success because we did get the media coverage to let know that the illegal immigration problem (and there is a problem) is not going to go away. Although, yes, the number of people that attended should have been higher. I was expecting over 100 people at a previous rally (on a Sat.) and got about the same number actual attending - about 40. Timing -- lead time notice (getting word out - planning), committments, things that come up in our lives, sort of holiday weekend (Sat.- because most of us work) do have affect.

    Vernon Robinson said good words and let know about his running for Congress against incumbent Brad Miller (D) (who has been poor on the issue). Would be great to see Vernon defeat Miller.

    The Minuteman Volunteer spoke well and gave insight to what is actually occurring at Border (which of course as he described - tragic chaos, invasion, horrendous drug war trafficking,etc.) (i.e. - Fake or NO Border enforcement - just as Bush wants).

    Want to thank Nancy, David W. for time and effort in organizing. Myself - made efforts in calling lists of people and doing signs. Thanks John for pictures. It was and is great to get out there.

    I must say that I have to liken doing a rally to a ski trip. It takes a bit of effort in planning, getting equipment together, physically going up mountain -- but once you are out there and it comes together -- it is excellent reward and incredible impact -- standing up for our U.S. Country and Flag.

    I do think that yes, communication with Congress such as faxes,e-mails, calling, voting is most directly effective (as us as Citizens) but when the issue is so troubling and it gets in end climatic stages, it does require all sides or legs of protest to show that there is grave upsetting concern. When the Politicians see a response that is a "frenzy" then they know it is bad. Elected officials have to figure that for each American at the rally that there are 2000 more Americans that think and feel the same way and may vote that way. Again, I don't want to put a large amount of weight to protest rallies but they seem to have to be there when an issue is so contentious (like the Vietnam War era protests) and so just a little effort like this rally here can make a good showing.

    We did get several and mainly 'thumbs up' positive responses from drivers passing by in cars. Yeah, the construction crew did'nt give good looks at our 'DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS' sign. Hopefully this rally can give a primer boost to the July 5 , 6 pm event at the same place (State Capitol). Hope many can make this event.

    Very pleased to have done this and am looking to plan a next and bigger rally potentially in Charlotte in September. Will get back to all on what can be done and can get going.

  9. #19

    Join Date
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    Raleigh, NC
    Now I wasn't able to go to te rally in front of the Mexican Consulate office on Six Forks Rd, but I did see the pictures..

    In everyone's opinon .. which made to bigger impact? the one on Six Forks Rd, or the on at the Capital?
    The number of my posts shouldn't determine or reflect my interest on the board. I don't post just to increase my ranking.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Burlington, NC

    My letter to usatime...EVERYONE READ!

    to usatime:

    I was the main organizer of this event. I took a little offense to the "libral" term. I am a grandmother and in my 40's. I remember the 60's only vaguely....However, I do feel like many of us that even though this was a small gathering, it is a visual representation to the general public that this is a serious issue. An issue that when the general public goes to vote in November especially next year for the president then these small rallies or festivals or protest will continue to "jarg" the minds of those voters to consider a representative or president that takes a stronger stand on immigration control.

    Basically, it can only help the cause and the numbers trust me will grow. So no one is asking you to come down to the State Capitol or where ever to protest. Consequently, you should be commended for your actions in writing to your local and federal politicians and I pray that you are at least emailing, writing, and talking to your neighbors, family, and friends about this problem. A person does not have to be a pro-active demonstrator to make a difference.

    I understand that many people feel the way that you do. But I just can't sit back and believe that writing or calling George W. or Burr or Dole or Butterfield or Etheridge or Colbe or other House reps for our state is truly enough. In general, the American public barely knows who the vice-president is but I bet you they know who the current winner is of American Idol. To me that is truly sad.....

    So, for me...I will continue these rallies cause attending one or organizing one is more of fellowship...bringing people together for a common cause. They are spiritual and encouraging. These rallies give a sense of hope and inspiration to many of us patriots that at times we feel we are alone in our little area of North Carolina surrounded by APATHETIC do-nothings.
    The next event will be planned for mid-September. We are working on having a picnic with entertainment....I would like to invite you to come down and for no other reason, enjoy the good times and fellowship.

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