One news article states it is a training exercise and not to worry. A poster says it is going to happen in other cities and... well here are Sycho's words;

Sycho 1 week ago wrote:

It's all part of our national programming and conditioning.

In Portland, Oregon our Mayor also sold air space rights over the downtown metropolitan area to the Feds.

Helicopters flew in formation over the city with gunners hanging outside the cockpit, machine gun weapons drawn. I had no idea was I was witnessing outside my seventh floor apartment window. To say the least I was unnerved... more than puzzled. I watched people scattering on the street below, as I wondered what could possibly have happened -- or going on... hopefully just an action movie being filmed.

This was all unannounced. Mayor Potter appologized the next day... but that was after the fact.

I'm telling you... it's time to reign in the Feds. Our National DEFENSE, is supposed to be just that... and not for terrorizing the populace. It's time for a peaceful revolution through transparancy/exposure.

Residents on notice of upcoming police training

Bombs, choppers during military exercises startle residents

U.S. Troops In Black Helicopters Invade New Orleans, Drop Bombs